The creator of this webiste is S.Bell. EMail: [email protected]
For technical problems: [email protected]
There is not enough room on this website to acknowledge all the people who have helped me put this together. I will try however to name some of the people and sources without whose help this would not have been possible.
The photographs on this website have been reproduced, where possible, with the kind permission of their private owners and The Imperial War Museum.
I would like to thank the following people:
The Survivors:
Bert and Joyce Harris
Bert Lowman
Duncan Blair.
The many friends and relatives of Glowworm crew and individuals who contacted me and provided me with a wealth of priceless information.
Fiona, for putting up with me and for doing most of the typing.
Norm, for his painstaking help and proof-reading
The following sources were used in compiling this site:
The Imperial War Museum
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The Royal Naval Communications Association
'Jane's Fighting Ships of World War Two' Tiger Press
'Narvik' by Capt. D Macintyre (Pan Books)
'Norway and the Second World War' Johs, O Riste, M. Skodvin
'Valiant Occasions' by J.E. Macdonnell
'Battle of the April Storm' by Larry Forrester
'Amazon to Ivanhoe - British Standard Destroyers of the 1930s'
by John English
If I have missed anyone out or if you would like to tell me what you think of the site please e-mail me and let me know. I will update the site as and when.